2024, A new era for spatial computing, augmented reality and a world without passwords.

Two months into 2024, Apple finally released its new product, Apple Vision Pro. Apple claims the Apple Vision Pro is “a revolutionary spatial computer that seamlessly blends digital content with the physical world, while allowing users to stay present and connected to others.”

The release of Apple Vision Pro opens up the world of multiple possibilities in different industries. Industries in retail, gaming, services, and hospitality could be the early adopters of this untapped market.

In this new world, every consumer will move to a hands-free, digitally connected world. The Apple Vision Pro also allows its users to do video passthrough wherein consumers can roam around in the real world wearing the headset and leverage its capabilities on the go. 

The most significant change for application developers and service providers to worry about is the ability of their applications to continue identifying their consumers without having to rely on their end users to ‘air-type’ their credentials which could lead to a poor consumer experience.

The gap and opportunity above allowed Apple to rethink the whole experience with Apple Vision Pro. Apple came out with a new technology called Optic ID. As per Apple, “In the same way that Touch ID revolutionized authentication using a fingerprint and Face ID revolutionized authentication using facial recognition, Optic ID revolutionizes authentication using iris recognition. Optic ID provides intuitive and secure authentication that uses the uniqueness of your iris, made possible by Apple Vision Pro’s high-performance eye-tracking system of LEDs and infrared cameras.”

Optic ID works similarly to FaceID or TouchID, and the great thing about it is that it leverages WebAuthN as its underlying technology. This mechanism allows application developers and service providers to use ‘Passkeys’ to identify their consumers in a passwordless manner. This removes the need for consumers to ‘air-type’ their credentials every time to sign in and purely just leverage Optic ID as the mode of identification.

Okta has also formally released our support on Passkeys to the general public to support the passwordless revolution. Okta’s support for Passkeys allows us to help application developers and service providers support their passwordless movement in a simple, easy, and efficient manner. 

Turning on Passkey support in Auth0 by Okta is very easy, wherein administrators would only need to toggle on a switch within the Auth0 management console.

Once you’ve turned it on, you should automatically be able to see your login page to reflect the changes.

The great thing about this new capability is that it also handles the creation of a Passkey if the user hasn’t registered one yet.

You might be wondering what the experience of Auth0 by Okta Passkey support with Apple Vision’s Pro would be like. The experience would look something like this, shown in the video below.

I hope you find this post insightful on how you can enable Passkeys via Auth0 by Okta so that you can deliver a seamless user experience in a passwordless manner, whether its through your standard laptop or using Apple’s latest innovation which is the Apple Vision Pro.

Read more on how you can configure Passkeys in Auth0 by Okta – https://auth0.com/docs/authenticate/database-connections/passkeys

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